An update on Pet Travel to the EU and Northern Ireland.
Pet travel to the EU now that the transition period has ended.
The UK, for pet travel, has been granted Part 2 Listed Status. This has important implications for travel with your Pet to the EU.
The UK Pet Passport is no longer valid for travel. A pet passport issued in an EU country is valid for travel but a UK vet cannot update any sections except health check and tapeworm treatment.
All dogs, cats or ferrets which need to travel to the EU must be microchipped and vaccinated for Rabies (after 12 weeks of age) and must then wait a minimum of 21 days before they can travel.
Every time the pet travels to the EU they must get an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) from their vet. It can only be completed more than 21 days after a Rabies vaccination. This is a multi-page, official document that takes the vet about 45-60 minutes to complete and certify. Once completed it is valid for 10 days for travel out of the UK into the EU and for 40 days for ongoing travel in the EU and return to the UK.
Blood tests for Rabies serology is not required.
Tape worm treatment requirements remain unchanged
Travel to the EU with your pets is still possibly but has become more time consuming and costly to arrange.
Please always check the requirements, before you travel, on the APHA website.
Best wishes